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Contribute to the Fox Chapel Area Land Trust

Not everyone has the ability to donate property or easement rights, but you can still share your success and good fortune by making  a meaningful contribution. Help the FCALT protect and make permanent our existing green spaces!  We welcome contributions above ordinary membership, and as a 501C3 non-profit organization, can accept charitable bequests that are part of your estate legacy planning.

FCALT has three core areas where your contributions are exceptionally meaningful.


Day to Day Operations

We need to assure that we are able to maintain ongoing operations.  While we are volunteer run, we also require the service of contractors and experts in law and tax, in additional to the other expenses that are ongoing.  All of this helps us meet our annual Stewardship obligations and comply with the many burdens that government requires of us to maintain nonprofit status.



The potential added expense of defending FCALT property and our owned easements from encroachments. We have great relationships with our neighbors and owners with whom we share easement rights, however there is always the potential for situations where we must defend FCALT property.  Your contributions help to provide a secure defense and build a robust endowment.


Future Acquisitions

FCALT has received numerous outright gift-donations of property. There are additional opportunities for us work with donors who are willing to offer a property or easement at a substantial market discount where the property or rights cannot be parted with without partial compensation.  With a robust acquisition fund, your contributions can help convince a donor to gift those rights with the FCALT sharing in the cost with the donor. 

Contribute Now

Help us make a difference in the Fox Chapel Area!


Thank you for your Contribution!

Contribution Inquiries

If you are interested in discussing a specific financial contribution or would like to learn more, including naming opportunities for a planned annual, community-wide, marquee fundraising event, please reach out to us with the form below!  Thank you!

Contact Us

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Contact Us

Fox Chapel Area Land Trust

P.O. Box 11286

Pittsburgh, PA


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©2024 Fox Chapel Area Land Trust. 

This website is provided for informational purposes only. Nothing contained on it should be construed as tax, legal, or financial advice of any sort. Before considering any strategy involving a land trust, always seek qualified tax and legal counsel. 

Fox Chapel Area Land Trust NEVER provides tax, legal, or financial advice.

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